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Family Advocacy Center
Family Advocacy Center (FAC) provides support to parents to follow through on their goals that allow them to preserve and reunite their families. There are 30 Family Advocacy Centers (FACs) across the state operated by 25 service providers. FACs maintain a focused, holistic approach that builds on a family’s existing strengths. Spanish Community Center is the only Family Advocacy Center in Will County and Kankakee County. Referrals are accepted from DCFS and private agency staff and community stakeholders. Self-referrals are also accepted.
Our FAC counselors are happy to provide you with following quality services in both English and Spanish
Home visits
General counseling
Referrals to community resources
Practical and emotional support during court, doctor, and other visits
Follow-up contacts with families
English and Spanish parenting classes
We are proud to introduce a new addition to our FAC Program
Family Engagement Nights
Our family engagement activities aims to promote healthy family interactions within the community. We now offering weekly family night events at no cost to encourage communication and participation between children, families, and communities. These events are open to all ages and include reading nights, arts and crafts, games, & more!
Family Advocacy Center
Kenya Ortega
815-727-3683 ext. 5008
For questions or concerns, please contact our team!
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