We have provided critical information to help you understand your constitutional rights, how to exercise them, and how to better protect yourself and your loved ones when interacting with immigration authorities.
when encountering ICE
If you or anyone you know needs assistance due to ICE detention or to report any suspected ICE sightings, call the Family Support Hotline.
Family Support Network and Hotline
+1 855-435-7693

Emergency Family Plan

How to identify a raid

To report any enforment activity or if you know someone who has been detained, call the Family Support Hotline.
Family Support Network and Hotline
+1 855-435-7693
Legal Resources
Finding Legal Representation
National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC): If you are detained, or are calling about someone in detention: Call the NIJC Detention Project at (773) 672-6599 on Tuesdays from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Detained immigrants call collect at (312) 583-9721 or use the pro bono platform and NIJC's 3-digit code, 565. immigrantjustice.org/contact-us
Midwest Immigrant Defenders Alliance (MIDA): MIDA provides free legal services to eligible immigrants in detention through the National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC), The Resurrection Project (TRP), The Immigration Project (TIP), and the Law Office of the Cook County Public Defender (CCPD). If a MIDA representative is present the day of your first hearing, you might have the opportunity to request a free representative, but MIDA representation is not always available. https://immigrantjustice.org/midwest-immigrant-defenders-alliance
ICIRR attorney referral list (Illinois): https://www.icirr.org/resources
Immigration Court’s list of free attorneys and representatives: https://www.justice.gov/eoir/recognized-organizations-and-accredited-representatives-roster-state-and-city
Immigrant Advocates directory: https://www.immigrationadvocates.org/legaldire